15 December 2008

Pee and Popcorn

Picture this, I'm sitting in my office, happily working away my day (well, as happily as you can be at work) and in walks this cute little pregnant lady with her 18 month old daughter in tow. They came in my office to go over the family accounts, and left behind an overwhelmingly unpleasant odor. I tend to not have much of a gag reflex, but this one has me questioning the stability of my stomach contents. I deal with many homeless, down on their luck patients, so this odor is not a strange occurrence… but wow, this is easily the worst I've encountered thus far. The little girl ended up needing a diaper change so bad she left a wet spot every time she sat, and the mom was emphatically waving her arms throughout the entire conversation, adding her *unique* aroma to the mix. I just kept telling myself that they must just be going through a hard time, maybe they can't afford diapers, maybe they can't buy the best soap… or any soap at all. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen that situation. That is probably why they are in here fighting with me over a balance most would consider minuscule. When we were finally able to agree on a discounted balance for her to pay to close out the case she pulled out a roll of $100 bills. A roll. Like as in a rubber band bank. She decided not to pay with a hundred dollar bill, so next she pulls out another roll full of twenties. Finally she pulls out her wallet that is stuffed to the brim with 1's, 5's, and 10's. Scratch any notion that they can't afford diapers and soap, this lady was packing - in cash - what seemed to be more than what I bring home in 3 months! The case was settled. I was left to my thoughts of why on earth someone with that much money floating around in their purse wouldn't go buy some diapers and soap, all while dousing my office with febreeze and upholstery cleaner.

Next thing I know, I smell popcorn coming from the kitchen area... Amazing, I know, considering the assault my sense of smell had just gone through. More popcorn smell… more popcorn smell… burning popcorn smell… on FIRE popcorn smell.

I've come to this conclusion… BO smells gross, combine it with old pee, disgusting… But when you add in the unparalleled stench of scorched popcorn, only then will you get the full on vomit-inducing, migraine provoking experience I've enjoyed today.

I wouldn't recommend it.


Mimi said...

I think disposable diapers make kids smell WORSE. I don't know what the communists...I mean the US government allow to be put in there, but they reek!

Maren said...

NO KIDDING! Especially after what had to be at LEAST a day, maybe two...