23 December 2008

Christmas Tag

I was tagged my Mimi, so here we go...

Wrapping paper or gift bags? Most of the time paper. Depends on what I'm wrapping.
Real Tree or Artificial? Varies. Usually artificial, but there have been years I managed to sneak in a real one ;)
When do you put up the tree? The day after Thanksgiving
When do you take the tree down? sometime between Christmas and New Years day
Do you like eggnog? Yep!!
Favorite gift received as a child? I have so many! Probably the most memorable are my "I been lookin for you" doll, or the doll I used to play with when my grandma and grandpa Lords babysat me that Grandpa gave to me after Grandma died, the Chrismas before he died.
Hardest person to buy for? My in-laws, they have everything and anything they don't have they just go out and get it.
Easiest person to buy for? My mum. She's the most grateful person I know.
Do you have a nativity scene? Yes.
Mail or e mail Christmas cards? Mail. Its more fun that way.
Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Porto-Jon (Basically a plastic bag that you pee in. On the box it says "Perfect for men, women, and children! Leak proof! Re-use it until its full!" It was a while elephant gift)
Christmas movie? Either National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation or A Christmas Story. Every year we watch Christmas Vacation as a family on Thanksgiving night, and every Christmas Eve I watch A Christmas Story at least twice, usually more than that, as I wrap presents.
When do you start shopping for Christmas? Black Friday usually kicks off my shopping for the season
Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I don't think I have
Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cashew brittle that my neighbor at mum and dad's house makes. Its delicious! And my mum's hot bread out of the oven. Mmmm!
Lights on the tree? White
Favorite Christmas song? Anything by the Trans Siberian Orchestra or Josh Groban
Travel at Christmas or stay home? All my traveling is within the SL valley.
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph
Angel on the tree top, or star? Star
Open presents Christmas eve or morning? PJs Christmas Eve that the elf brings, everything else Christmas morning.
Most annoying thing about this time of year? Waiting. Waiting in line, waiting to park, waiting to give people their presents (that one is the hardest for me)
Most favorite thing about the season? Giving. I love seeing people's faces as they open their presents, and I LOVE knowing that the faces I don't see are the ones that will mean the most. (Few people are going to get that, sorry)
Favorite ornament, theme, or color? My red blown glass spirals are my favorite on my tree that I have, but growing up it was the candy ornaments that we hung on the tree that were I don't even know how old, but every kid that has ever seen them has licked them at one point or another. Gross, I know. But I love them!
Favorite food for Christmas dinner? I don't know. Its all amazing!
What do you want for Christmas this year? :)

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