15 December 2008

A LOT on my mind...

I don't get people at all, I'm realizing this more and more lately. I deal face to face with a variety of people on a daily basis, both through work and socially and I'm dumbfounded at things some of them do. This is probably going to end up being a hodge-podge of things currently driving me crazy, but mainly I just have to say that people need to stop doing things such as…

- Threaten me with a law suit when I refuse to break federal law for them… even though they PROMISE they won't tell ANYONE.

- Feel entitled to a discount or to have bills written off because they are doctors, attorneys, judges, can threaten a law suit at the drop of a hat, are police officers, or were in the military at one point or another in their lifetime. (Although I must say I am more inclined to give discounts to service men/women)

- When they ask me who is in the picture on my desk and I explain it's a couple of my friends in Iraq, proceed to tell me I'm evil for supporting the war and that I'm helping kill off my generation by being ok with my friends and family getting sent off to die, and then get upset with me when I politely explain I don't support the war, but I sure as hell support my soldiers, and tell me that by supporting the troops I support the war. WRONG!

- Expect things of others that they aren't willing to do themselves

- Pretend I'm stupid enough to buy your lies that wouldn't make sense to a three year old. If you feel the need to lie, please don't do so in my direction.

- Thinking running away from their problems or just ignoring them is going to make it so they are happy as can be and that their problems will solve themselves and never ever ever come back and bite them in the ass. Ever.

- Sitting outside my window at work and, under the assumption that if you can't see me I can't see you, doing things that I would only hope you wouldn't do if you knew someone was watching. Its one way mirrored glass… I can see you.

- Being fake.

- Assuming that since I have tattoos, more than one piercing, don't go to church regularly, and that I defend myself and my actions that I'm a horrible person, a sadist, and someone that corrupts everything I touch.

- Pretending they hate drama and would do ANYTHING to avoid it when in all actuality they thrive on it and wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they had a drama free day.

- Refusing to teach their children/teenagers about sex. Sex isn't a dirty word. If you talk about it, your kids aren't going to go off the deep end, I promise. But if you don't talk about it, odds are they are going to get into a situation that could have been prevented had they been educated, and worst case scenario… they'll be the next 14 year old pregnant girl in my office bawling her eyes out because she doesn't know how she's going to pay for her baby and begging me not to tell her parents.

- Walking into the liquor store announcing to everyone and their dog that you're there "just to get liquor for cooking, you're NOT going to drink it."

- Fishing for gossip. If it was your business, you'd know. If you don't know, there is a reason.

- Telling me my voice is too sexy for the job I have. (I know, shocked me too, but it keeps happening) No, I don't want to be a phone sex operator. No, I'm not going to give up my day job. And please, for the love of all that is holy, don't ask me to say phrases just to hear what they'd sound like.

- Stare. Its not nice. Especially if you're the creepy pedophilic-looking man on the office cleaning crew, or the stalker-ish chic in the Jeep outside my window.

- Chase ambulances and take 40% of the settlement. This one really only applies to attorneys. A few specific attorneys.

- Tell me that my life would be perfect if only I were religious. Wrong. Bad things happen to everyone.

- Get mad at me when I return to work from a week off and don't give you details other than the fact it was for health reasons.

- Creeping me out. That is just not good for business, my friend.

- Make fun of people for things they did not choose or can not change. This is a subject I could go on for days and days about… but seriously, if its something someone couldn't change even if they wanted too, its just uncalled for.

Another thing on my mind is, have you ever noticed how a lot of times when people make an over the top firm statement about themselves its rarely true? Especially when repeated multiple times. They're trying so hard to prove its true, that they think if they drill it into your head that you'll believe them. For some it must work… to me, its annoying.


Mimi said...

Or buying liquor for your screaming teething babies.

Maren said...

Haha, no that is ok because it is just funny!